
Selected Publications

Drake, S.M , Beard A.D , Jones, A.P , Brown D.J. et al., (2017). Discovery of a meteoritic ejecta layer containing unmelted impactor fragments at the base of Paleocene lavas, Isle of Skye, Scotland. Geology 46(2).

Mitchell, T.M., Smith, S.A.F.,  Anders, M.H,  Di Toro, G.,  Nielsen, S.,  Cavallo, A., and Beard, A.D. (2015). Catastrophic emplacement of giant landslides aided by thermal decomposition: Heart Mountain, Wyoming. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,  411. 199-207.

Bulanova, G.P., Wiggers de Vries, D.F.,  Pearson, D.G., Beard, A.D.,  Mikhail, S., Smelov, A.P., and  Davis, G.R. (2014). An eclogitic diamond from Mir pipe (Yakutia), recording two growth events from different isotopic sources. Chemical Geology, 381, 40 - 54.

 Mikhail, S.,  Guillemrier, C., Franchi, I.A.,  Beard, A.D.,  Verchovsky, A.B.,  Wood, I.,  Jones, A.P., and  Milledge, H.J. (2014). Empirical evidence for the fractionation of carbon isotopes between diamond and iron carbide from the Earth’s mantle. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 15(4). DOI:10.1002/2013GC005138.

 Cunningham, J.K. and  Beard, A.D. (2014) . An unusual occurrence of mafic accretionary lapilli in deep-marine volcaniclastics on ‘Eua, Tonga: Palaeoenvironment and process. Journal of  Volcanology and Geothermal Research 274, 139 - 151.

 Smith, C.B., Haggerty, S.E.,  Chatterjee,B.  Beard, A.D., and. Townend, R. (2014) . Kimberlite, lamproite, ultramafic lamprophyre, and carbonatite relationships on the Dharwar Craton, India; an example from the Khaderpet pipe, a diamondiferous ultramafic with associated carbonatite intrusion. Lithos 182–183:102–113.

 Beard, A.D., Howard, K., Carmody, L., and Jones, A.P. (2013).  The origin of melanophlogite, a clathrate mineral, in natrocarbonatite lava at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. American Mineralogist, 98, 1998–2006.